As part of our 150th anniversary celebrations, we want to help another church get on its feet. Join us for a pancake breakfast Saturday March 3 to raise funds for church planting in Canada.
New series: The Acts of Jesus according to Luke
Christmas at Langford
Join us this Christmas season, Sundays at 10am:
December 3 - The old man and the maiden (Luke 1)
December 10 - Youth Christmas play
December 17 - The king and the magi (Matthew 2)
December 24 - Joy to the world (a kid friendly service)
December 24 - Christmas Eve service (7pm)
Christians and Cremation
In a recent conversation with a local funeral director, I learned that the rate of cremation has risen dramatically in the past few decades, with 70-80% of individuals in our area choosing cremation.
This rapid acceptance of the practice of cremation has prompted many thoughtful Christians to ask quite sincerely: What are the implications for Christians, especially given the historical tradition of burying those who have died? Is it wrong to cremate a body? Does cremation prevent resurrection? Does burial symbolize something that cremation doesn’t? I’ll unpack the latter three questions to answer the first one.
Is it wrong to cremate a body?
There is nowhere in the Bible where God forbids the burning of a body.
There are instances of cremation in the Old Testament (Joshua 7:25, 1 Samuel 31:12, Amos 2:1) but they are descriptive rather than prescriptive (the passages simply record that it happened without passing any moral judgment).
Burial has tended to be the norm for Jewish and Christian people but God’s Word does not expressly prohibit cremation, so believers may in good conscience choose to be cremated.
Does cremation prevent resurrection?
Assured that cremation is not sin, a believer may ask a second question – does cremation pose an obstacle to resurrection? After all, our hope is that God will raise us into resurrected bodies, just as He did Jesus, and cremation reduces a body to ash.
Even so, it must be admitted that all bodies, even those that have been buried, will be eventually decompose (Ecclesiastes 3:20, 12:7) and given that God formed our original bodies from the dust (Genesis 2:7), He will have no problem raising our heavenly bodies regardless of how our remains were put to rest.
Does burial symbolize something that cremation doesn’t?
To this point, I’m sure you’ll recognize that I can find no moral reason to object to cremation. Christians may in good conscience choose to go in that direction.
My personal feeling though is that burial allows a believer to make one final profession of faith: Just as Jesus died, was buried and was raised to life - on the basis of His atoning death, which I have trusted - I too will rise again.
The seed picture that Paul uses in 1 Corinthians is a moving pastoral image -
42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body… 49 And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven (1 Corinthians 15:42-49 NIV).
Burial enables us to point specifically to Jesus’ death and resurrection and say ‘I’m gonna be like that.’ This ‘seed’ will become something glorious.
Now, that being said, burying cremated remains allows the same symbolism, so it is possible to symbolically point to the resurrection through cremation, as through burial.
And again, cultural and financial issues may be at play, and since God has not forbidden cremation, a believer can freely choose that option.
My pastoral counsel would be this – whatever you choose, help your friends and family to see the hope found in the death and resurrection of Jesus and together we will say:
54 "Death has been swallowed up in victory."
55 "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"
56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57 NIV).
- Graham Gladstone (pastor), for Langford Community Church, 2017
Click here for a downloadable pdf file of this post.
Much of what I have said here has already been said by other Christian thinkers. I commend these articles to you as helpful reading for further reflection
“Cremation confusion”
“When a Christian dies is it all right to cremate the body?”
“To bury or burn”
“Does the Bible prohibit cremation?”
“Should Christians cremate their loved ones?”
Resolving everyday conflict
Raise your hand if you've ever experienced conflict.
Ok, put your hand down.
How do we deal with conflict in a constructive, godly way?
Join us for an 8 week Bible study with Peacemakers International's Resolving Every Conflict video series. We'll learn where conflict comes from, how to engage it constructively, when to let wrongs go, how to get logs out of our own eyes and more! See Pastor Graham to secure a guide book.
Starting Thursday, October 19 and running to November 30.
Two sessions - 2pm and 7 pm.
Harvest Dinner
Thurs., Sept. 28th, 5:30 – 7 pm
LCC Harvest Dinner
Roast beef, local food &
homemade pies!
Takeout available
$20. adults
$45. family
kids under 4 are free
Summer sermon series
We asked you what would help you to know/grow/show/share - here's the topics - come hear pastor Graham answer these 'Q's from the pews.'
Wisdom for the ages
Join us for a time of fellowship and Bible study - looking at the Book of Proverbs
July 19, 2017 - 2pm - 3pm
A Christian perspective on MAID
A Christian perspective on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
Thursday, May 11, 2017, 7pm at Langford Community Church.
Join us as Dr. Stan Fowler (Th.D., Professor of Theological Studies at Heritage Seminary, Cambridge) helps us to think biblically about Medical Assistance in Dying. Dr. Julie Gladstone (M.D.) will also speak on the value of Palliative Care from both a Christian and medical perspective.
Easter Celebrations
Join us for our Easter celebrations -
Jesus our Lord died for our sin and was risen to life!
Good Friday service with Communion - April 14, 10am
Easter Sunday service - April 16, 10 am
According to the Scriptures
Was Easter an unexpected occurrence? Or the fulfillment of a long-anticipated redemption by God? Join us from now until Easter as we explore the Old Testament expectations of a Saviour who would die to save His people.
Keeping up with the Corinthians
Join us from now until Lent as we learn from the Corinthian church how the Cross changes how we think about hot topics in the world.
Christmas Day at Langford
O come let us adore Him!
Join us for worship Christmas morning
as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
December 25, 10am.
Christmas Eve at Langford
Join us for a family friendly Christmas eve service of carols and Scriptures to celebrate Jesus' birth - 7pm - December 24 at Langford Community Church.
Shine a little light this Christmas
This Christmas, we have lots of opportunities to help shine a little light and show God's goodness to the world around us - here's just a few -
Operation Christmas Child - Our Christmas shoebox drives wraps up this Sunday. Two groups of LCC people are going to help sort - contact Graham if you are interested in attending.
Friendship House - We've committed to providing red Christmas gift bags for people who will attend Friendship Houses Christmas dinners. They are available at the church and need to be returned by December 11.
Brantford Pregnancy Resource Centre - Cookie drive is ongoing - more info to come. Visit them online at
2 Timothy Bible Study
As Paul neared the end of his life, he put pen to paper to write down words for his protégé Timothy to live by. Find out what he wrote as we study 2 Timothy 7-8:30pm, starting October 13.
Communion - October 23
Langford Community Church will celebrate the Lord's Supper during Sunday service, October 23, 2016.
A real life prodigal daughter
Read the story of a real-life prodigal daughter and the way her parents showed her God's unfailing love by clicking here.
Harvest Dinner
LCW hosts their home-cooked Harvest Dinner
Thursday, September. 29th
Tickets are available now!
Adults $18; $45 for family
(parents & their children under 18, children under 4 free).
Back to school with Friendship House
Please bring in school supplies and lunch box items like peanut free granola bars and 100% juice boxes to help Friendship House send kids back to school with full tummies.